The last time I posted, I had just finished my spring semester and was gearing up to take boards. The National Board Dental Examination Part 1 (NBDE 1) tests everything a dental student learns during the didactic portion of their curriculum. Most dental schools offer the exam during or after the second year, but CU's curriculum is designed so that we take it after the first year. To study for the test, I spent four weeks intensely studying everything I've learned in the past year. It was a lonely, exhausting 4 weeks, but I took the exam on June 7th. After two long weeks of waiting, I finally heard back that my hard work paid off and I PASSED! I can't wait to put everything from last year behind me, and move on with my summer and the rest of my dental education!
On August 1, 2013 I left my homestate of Michigan and headed west to Colorado. I started this blog as a way of keeping my friends and family in touch with my mile-high adventures, as well as my new life in dental school.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Thursday, May 8, 2014
1 down, 3 to go!
This semester has been a whirlwind of crazy, busy, stressful, and fun, but I made it... and my 'made it' I mean that I am DONE. Done with my first year of dental school! The last 9 months and two semesters have absolutely flown by. I can't even believe it! Unfortunately in dental school, there are no real summer breaks, so it's back to the grind for me on Monday with a whole new semester.
Now for the next big step in my academic journey... the NBDE part 1, or my board exams! I allowed myself some time for relaxation and celebration the night of my last final, but since then I've started hitting the books hard to prepare for the 1st part of the national dental board examinations that I will be taking in ONE MONTH! Crazy, crazy.
The next time you see me, I will probably have wrinkles and frazzled gray hair, but at least come June I will be over the hump, and free to enjoy the rest of my summer... or at least what summer I have in between summer classes.
And now for some pictures of what I've been up to this spring, in school and out of it :)
St. Patty's Day, 2014 |
Class I amalgam restoration |
New Dentist Committee of Denver mixer |
Some of my classmates for a birthday celebration |
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Work hard, play hard!
When I originally committed to CU, I knew I was in for 4 years of serious outdoor fun. Dental school is a very rigorous and demanding program that requires your full dedication if you intend on surviving. However, for all the hard work I put in, I also get a lot of fun out of it, too.
As most of you know, Aspen, CO is the host of the winter X Games every year. In 2014, I was fortunate enough to BE THERE and experience it in all of it's Xtreme glory! Me and a group of classmates loaded up a truck and headed up for an incredible weekend in one of America's most beautiful cities. We stayed with a friend's family (Thanks Doug!) and enjoyed all that Aspen had to offer. Since I haven't yet invested in skis, I stayed in and attempted to study a little while watching the Games while my friends hit the slopes, but we all celebrated with a night out on the town the first night, and went to see Tiƫsto's concert the second night. In all, I can't imagine a better weekend!

Following the X Games, I spent a weekend at Breckenridge with CU's other Delta Sigma Delta members on their annual Ski Trip. Again, I didn't ski, but half of the group stayed in and there was plenty to do at the house. The weekend went by so quickly, and I'm already excited for next year! As if the weekend couldn't get any better, it ended with SuperBowl Sunday! Some friends and I celebrated in downtown Denver, and even though the Broncos lost, it was an incredible end to an unforgettable weekend.
Friday, January 24, 2014
A little bit of Projects...
For starters, I recently updated the look of this blog, including a Projects menu at the top of the page. There I'll try to keep pictures and descriptions of all of my projects for you to check out!
Like I mentioned in my last post, I'm taking two labs this semester: occlusion and direct restorative (simulation). I'm absolutely ecstatic because I feel like I'm actually doing dentistry, and it's so much fun! To tell you about it, I'll break it down by class:
Our first session in occlusion was taking impressions on our dentaforms. Most of my classmates (including myself) have never taken impressions before, so it was completely new territory. It's quite simple really, but as with all things, it takes some practice to get the hang of it.
I didn't get a picture of the process because my gloves were covered in sticky alginate, but I found this one on the internet. See link in caption below:
After taking the impressions, we went to the lab and poured them up with stone and trimmed the casts once they hardened.

Like I mentioned in my last post, I'm taking two labs this semester: occlusion and direct restorative (simulation). I'm absolutely ecstatic because I feel like I'm actually doing dentistry, and it's so much fun! To tell you about it, I'll break it down by class:
Our first session in occlusion was taking impressions on our dentaforms. Most of my classmates (including myself) have never taken impressions before, so it was completely new territory. It's quite simple really, but as with all things, it takes some practice to get the hang of it.
I didn't get a picture of the process because my gloves were covered in sticky alginate, but I found this one on the internet. See link in caption below: |

Last week, after practicing on our dentaforms, we got to go into the clinic and take impressions on each other. Working as a dental assistant last year, I saw countless impressions be taken, and boy is it harder that it looks!
It seemed like everyone in our class struggled and had to try so many times that we all had rashes and cracked lips for a few days.
Luckily, my partner Natalie is a good friend of mine, so we had a lot of fun throughout the process, even though we were miserable for a few days after...

Direct Restorative:
In sim lab, we finally got to start drilling! Many of my friends at other schools started last semester, and hearing their stories, I was so excited to hold a handpiece! Our first assignment was to drill different shapes into a block, practicing different angles and techniques. Once we got the hang of that, we got to practice on our mannequins. I only got a picture of my first attempt (which is NOT good!) but as an example, you can see what we were doing.
Our first assignment was a Class I composite prep on #29.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Semester #2!
After a long and much needed winter break, I'm back at school for my second semester. I can't believe how ridiculously fast time is passing... I've already been in dental school for over 5 months! After a semester of waxing, I'm also really excited to be taking new dental classes. Here's a run-down of the classes I'm taking this semester:
Human Physiology
General Pathology
Interprofessional Education
Infection Control
Occlusion (tech lab)
Direct Restoration (sim lab)
Last week we started drilling and taking impressions, and for the first time, it actually felt like I was in dental school! Pictures to come :)
Human Physiology
General Pathology
Interprofessional Education
Infection Control
Occlusion (tech lab)
Direct Restoration (sim lab)
Last week we started drilling and taking impressions, and for the first time, it actually felt like I was in dental school! Pictures to come :)
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